Naked Soho gives new meaning to ‘eating out’

Naked Soho’s recent launch was delayed for being a little too naked. After the local council asked its owners to cover the genitals, proudly displayed through the windows, the "erotic-themed restaurant" has reopened and gives a whole new meaning to eating out.
Italian cousins, Stefano Vaccaro and Claudia Mangano opened the Moore Street sextaurant to celebrate the human body, sexuality and art. On entry, diners are greeted with walls festooned with arty vulvas, penises and breasts in many forms, as well as X-Rated reinterpretations of masterpieces including The Scream and Girl with a Pearl Earring.

Naturally, there is dildo crockery with which to eat the five, saucy courses, which include A Bit of Foreplay - penis-shaped charcuterie platters. You can follow that up with the NSFW Tapas - different toppings on (you guessed it) penis-shaped bread.
If you want cock without the carbs, you can opt for a Tossing Salad, like their Cockprese. The Climax mains are a series of Italian comfort foods, including carbonara, bolognese and lasagne.

And the Happy Endings include their Eat a Dick (waffles in the shape of, yep more willies) or the Drunk Cocks, a rum-soaked pastry, shaped like... well, you get the gist.
If you’re hungry for more penis-shaped treats, the Cock-tail menu has you covered - at times, literally. Perhaps you’d like to wrap your lips around the Slippery Blowjob - Tequila Rose in a glass penis, topped with whipped cream, which you have to eat without your hands, because you're handcuffed while drinking it. Or maybe the Nipple Clamps or Goddess of Sex are more your style?
There are no sides of nuance with these dishes, but if you want to see whether you’ll be screaming “yes, yes, YES” you can pop your Naked Soho cherry at 10 Moor St, London W1D 5NE.